Plant Spirit Healing
Rebalance your inner ecology, body, mind & spirit with the help of Plant Allies. Fireweed, Cottonwood, St John’s Wort, Dandelion, Nettle, Wood, Pine, Meadow. Nature will always call you your authentic and ensparkalated self! At the core of Healing lies the understanding that when one is living according to and filled full of their true essential nature, there is less room for dis-ease. As a Healing Practitioner I work with Source Energy and through this your Energy Anatomy to reach beyond core issues of dis-ease: going beyond symptomatic treatment to affect lasting change, helping one to re-connect with spirit “the vital principle held to give life”, that spark which feeds the fire of our vitality, health, joy and inner peace.

Similar to Reiki the healing frequencies of plant allies flow through my hands into one who is on the massage table in an in person session. Akin to Distance Reiki one can also receive the benefit from wherever you are, from a distance.
In fact, energy work done non-locally often helps a person get out of their own way.
The Plants help us to navigate beyond the “noise” of modern life and come home to ourselves, to our families, to our communities, to Nature, to our sanity.

Thankfully we are beginning to remember what our ancestors and “young children” have known all along, that Plants & Trees are endowed with intelligence and spirit. Plants and Trees are my greatest allies and guides. I continue to mentor with many elders who live in close connection to the natural world. I list my mentors and inspirations as well as share more of my story below. Plant Allies never fail to uplift, to assist with healing and making decisions around completely practical aspects of daily life. I have taken the time and continue to make deepen in relationship with Nature and the spirits of plants and trees, It would be my absolute joy to guide you in this process.

We can more physically interact by co-creating essences, tinctures, oils & salves, harvesting in a sustainable and respectful way. I can guide you even from afar. I had the blessing years ago to learn from some of my fav herbalists in the east. They often said 90% of the time you will know what’s going on with a person by seeing which plants grow around their home before you even meet them. We can dig and dive into the edible and medicinal qualities they share. Check my site for Edible & Medicinal Plant Walks in the area as well as Plant Communication classes.
If you’re still reading you’re either REALLY interested in a session or a Plant Geek like me. You may appreciate these resources and inspirations i’m about to share.
Plants began to dream me in and inform my life in the best of ways decades ago. I remember feeling very overwhelmed back then living off grid in the forest wondering how I would ever get to know this large community of brilliant beings. Dream by dream, guidebook by guidebook, mentor by mentor a tapestry of connection began to weave. While I was visiting the Yasodharam Ashram on Kootenay Lake founded by Swami Radha my first wise woman of Yoga, I was stopped in my tracks by this book. I read it in a day then promptly called Pam to tell her I must learn with her. I was in luck as she was gearing up to come to the West Coast the following year to offer her Plant Spirit Healing Apprenticeship in California. At the time I had just sold the business I was tending, “The Cottonwood Tree” in Fernie and moved to the coast. To my complete surprise I landed a dream job at the Gaia Garden Herbal Apothecary to work part time while I travelled down the coast for the Apprenticeship. I learned medicinal uses and Latin names of the Plants while in the Apothecary, also receiving a certificate in Family Herbalism.
Pam invited me to teacher assist with her the following year for the Apprenticeship at Partner Earth Education Center in Vermont where I held space for 14 amazing humans in their first year of apprenticeship.

The Plants kept calling, I found myself a couple of years later learning with Tom Brown Jr. We were in Grandfather’s Camp in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey placing Plants I didn’t know on others and they on me in with 90% ish accuracy regarding their effects in our bodies. He told us to get the hell out of here if you think we’re going to use guidebooks!
Gratitude for my Ukranian Ancestry for keeping me connected to the land. Big gratitude to Stephen Buhner who recently passed, I had the blessing of learning with him for five days while he was in Nelson, BC.
Massive thanks to Martin Prechtel of Bolad’s Kitchen whom I have never met tho is my mentor Pam’s teacher and whose life work inspires me deeply.

My late grandfather Bill Rivers gave me the sweetest example of how to tend the land lovingly in his wee backyard. All he ever wanted was a piece of land to farm though it wasn’t in the cards for him. He made the very best of his lil backyard earthen paradise.
More gratitude to the late Dan Joe for his incredible friendship and knowledge of the plants shared on forest walks.
Carole Guyette I thank you for the Plant Initiations, especially Angelica. The time I spent in Ireland during the Plants for Death and Dying Intensive will inform my life forever.
Susan Simm who opened the herbal door all those years ago at White Spruce Farm and Carla Praise at the Door Silver who opened the wide angled door, i thank you.
I am deeply enjoying my first year of Vitalist Herbalism with Matthew Wood. I continue to study with “The School of Evolutionary Herbalism”. and am in my fourth year of apprenticeship with Rosa Mystica, giving thanks for the deep dive into Anointing with the ones who guide my earth walk, the Plants and Trees.

Pam Montgomery
Dee Holden has been a student of mine since 2010 but it seems like a lifetime as she has excelled beyond my wildest imaginings in her abilities as a Practitioner and Teacher. Her ability to commune with plants and trees comes naturally and she guides you to do the same in simple understandable terms. If you are fortunate enough to work with Dee not only will you experience and learn about deep connections with plants but you will receive the blessing of her delightful spirit.
There have been few things in my life that can compare to the workshop retreat facilitated by Dee Holden. Her ability to easily communicate deep and meaningful principles makes the entire experience seem effortless and deeply enlivening; as though communing with plants is the most natural thing in the world. Her constant humility and approachability make open communication easy, fun, and empowering. Of all the teachers I have come across, Dee stands out as one who is fully immersed in the joy of what she does, and in her capable hands I was lead to one of the most profound experiences I’ve ever been blessed with. Her authentic humility and approachability opened all doors for honest communication, allowing each one of the participants to be fully engaged. I cannot recommend her and the practices she teaches enough to anyone that is even vaguely interested in connecting with nature in a deeper way. It will be a journey that will exceed your loftiest expectations.